1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-057 // 2006

    Cointegration of Real Estate Stocks and REITs with Common Stocks, Bonds and Consumer Price Inflation - an International Comparison

    This paper analyses the performance of real estate securities and their relationship to other asset classes as well as to consumer price inflation in an international comparison over the period from 1990 to…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-060 // 2006

    Pupil-Teacher Gender Interaction Effects on Scholastic Outcomes in England and the USA

    The difference between girls and boys academic performance is a major issue on both sides of the Atlantic. Do boys and girls fair better with a teacher of their own gender? This paper investigates the presence…

  3. ZEW-Newsletter // 2006


    1. Aktuell
    2. Presse
    3. Neue Publikationen
      • ZEW-Finanzmarktreport
      • Financial Market Report Switzerland
      • Branchenreport Innovation
      • Discussion Papers
    4. Neue Forschungsprojekte
    5. Veranstaltungen
      • Expertenseminare
      • Wissenschaftliche…
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-059 // 2006

    Empirical Evidence on the Success of R&D Co-operation - Happy together?

    In this paper we analyse the effect of R&D co-operation on firms' innovation performance. We investigate the effect of past co-operation on current sales of innovative products, distinguishing between products…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 06-058 // 2006

    Emission Trading Beyond Europe: Linking Schemes in a Post-Kyoto World

    This paper assesses the economic impacts of linking the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) to emerging schemes beyond Europe, in the presence of a post-Kyoto agreement in 2020. Simulations with a numerical…

  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2006

    September 2006

    • Abwärtstrend der Erwartungen hält an
    • EZB: Zurückfahren der akkomodierenden Haltung
    • USA: Ende der Zinserhöhungen
    • Japan: Konjunkturerholung setzt sich fort
    • Großbritannien: Inflationsrisiken im Blick
    • Sonderfrage:…