First Homes-uP International Conference on "Single-Family Homes Under Pressure?"


The conference will bring together international researchers from different disciplines who work on single-family housing. Objective is to scrutinize the effects of demographic, sociocultural and structural change on the utilization of single-family housing in industrialized countries from an interdisciplinary perspective. We understand single-family homes as a generic term for free standing or serial buildings containing one dwelling, including detached, semi-detached and terraced (row) houses.

We welcome contributions from architects, economists, geographers, social scientists, urban and regional planners on:

  • Single-family home building stock characteristics and dynamics of spatial development
  • Land use, material flow analysis, ecological aspects
  • Emergence of new user groups and user preferences
  • Market mechanisms, pricing, vacancies and their resource-related implications
  • Housing policies and single-family homes
  • Distressed single-family homes: identification and counteractive measures

This conference is part of the research project Homes-uP, funded by the Leibniz Association.


Research Associate
Oliver Lerbs
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  • Raum Brüssel