Europe's New Fiscal Governance: a Quantum Leap or Not Worth the Paper It's Written on?

ZEW Lunch Debates

The Eurozone debt crisis has triggered several innovations in fiscal governance, including a reform of the Stability and Growth Pact and the Fiscal Compact. This Lunch Debate will evaluate the impact of fiscal governance innovations and contribute to reflections on effective budgetary constraints.


Prof. Albert Sole-Olle, PhD

Prof. Albert Sole-Olle, PhD // Universidad de Barcelona‎, Professor für Ökonomik

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 Nicolas Carnot

Nicolas Carnot // Europäische Kommission, DG ECFIN

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Weitere Informationen

ZEW Lunch Debate in Brüssel – Experten diskutieren die Wirksamkeit des fiskalischen Regelwerks der Eurozone

18.09.2015 Weiterlesen