MaCCI Law and Economics Conference on Financial Regulation and Competition


Financial regulation is one of the main factors that determine competition in financial markets. While a robust regulatory infrastructure can confer a competitive advantage, banks and other financial services providers often seek to avoid restrictive or burdensome regulatory requirements. The objective of the conference is to assess the role of financial regulation in competition among financial services providers in the aftermath of the financial crisis.

Topics of interest include: international differences in financial sector regulation; regulatory arbitrage; regulatory competition among financial supervisors; responses of financial services providers to differences in regulation; influence of the financial sector on regulators and rule-making; international coordination of regulators; etc.

The MaCCI Law and Economics Conference provides a platform for discussion between academic researchers in law, economics, and business administration as well as practitioners from government entities (regulatory bodies, market supervisors, central banks etc.), law firms, and financial services providers. We welcome submissions with a legal and/or economic perspective on financial regulation and competition.

The Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) is a joint project of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the University of Mannheim.

Scientific Committee

  • Reint Gropp (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
  • Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (University of Mannheim)
  • Tobias Tröger (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
  • Martin Weber (University of Mannheim)

Local Organising Committee

  • Andreas Engert (University of Mannheim)
  • Michael Schröder (ZEW and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)


Download Preliminary Programme (as PDF, 245 KB)

Call for Papers

Download Call for Papers (as PDF, 128 KB)

Submission of Papers or Abstracts

Full papers as well as extended abstracts may be submitted. All proposals must include the following information: an abstract of up to 200 words, authors’ full names and affiliations, contact details (mailing address, telephone, and e-mail address).

Please submit papers to the organising committee's e-mail address as doc or pdf file no later than July 4, 2014. Proposals must be in English. Authors of accepted papers or abstracts will be notified by August 20, 2014. Presenters may kindly be asked to discuss another paper. We particularly invite young researchers to submit proposals.

Registration Fee

The conference fee is € 100 for academic participants and € 200 for non-academic participants. It covers conference materials, coffee, lunches, and the conference dinner. The conference fee and accommodation costs are waived for participants who present or discuss a paper; limited travel funds are available.

Registration for Academic Participants
Registration for Non-Academic Participants


Michael Schröder
Senior Researcher
Michael Schröder
Zum Profil




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