SEEK Workshop on Wikipedia Data Extraction and Analysis


From August 11 to 12, 2014, a two-day workshop on Wikipedia data extraction and analysis will take place at ZEW within the framework of the SEEK project "Side Effects of Economic Crises in Europe". It will be held by Peter A. Gloor, researcher at the ”Center for Collective Intelligence” (Sloan School of Management at MIT). The goal of the workshop is to lay ground for the extensive data handling that is part of the project. Peter Gloor will provide further advice on Wikipedia data-related issues in this process. The focus of the workshop will be on handling large datasets from several languages in parallel and other techniques for information extraction and language analysis.



 Peter Gloor, PhD

Peter Gloor, PhD // MIT, Center for Collective Intelligence

Zum Profil


Research Associate
Michael Kummer
Zum Profil




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  • Raum Raum 310

Weitere Informationen

SEEK Project 2014: Side Effects of Economic Crises in Europe and Provision of Online Public Goods

01.04.2014 – 31.03.2016 Mehr zum Projekt