SEEK Workshop on Non-Linear Economic Modelling: Theory and Applications


We invite the submission of theoretical, computational and empirical work for the SEEK Workshop on "Non-Linear Economic Modelling: Theory and Applications". Presentations that consider relations between the financial sector and economic dynamics are particularly welcome. The objective of the workshop is to discuss recent scientific contributions in the subject area and to provide a platform for an exchange of ideas within a small group of researchers.

The workshop is organised within the framework of the research programme "Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies" (SEEK) by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim (Germany) in collaboration with Willi Semmler (New School University New York, USA), Timo Teräsvirta (Aarhus University and CREATES, Denmark), and Peter Winker (University of Giessen, Germany). The workshop will feature contributors and invited presenters.

Submission and Participation Details

Please submit extended abstracts or full papers as PDF to no later than September 30, 2012.A limited number of non-presenters will be invited to attend. To apply, please send your CV along with information on your research area to no later than October 21, 2012. No conference fee will be charged. Please note that all participants have to cover their accommodation and travel expenses themselves.


Download Programme (as PDF, 92 KB)

Call for Papers

Download Call for Papers (as PDF, 197 KB)

Confirmed Speakers (as of September 12, 2012)

Pu Chen • Dick van Dijk • Laurent Ferrara • Marco Gallegati • Kirstin Hubrich • James Ramsey • Rickard Sandberg • Yukai Yang


  • September 30, 2012: Extended abstract or paper submission
  • October 15, 2012: Acceptance notification
  • October 21, 2012: Registration for non-presenters

Organising Committee

  • Marcus Kappler (ZEW, Mannheim), E-mail:
  • Frauke Schleer (ZEW, Mannheim), E-mail:
  • Willi Semmler (New School University, New York, USA)
  • Timo Teräsvirta (Aarhus University and CREATES, Denmark)
  • Peter Winker (University of Giessen, Germany)




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