Tenth Eberbacher Cloister Conversations on Economics of the Transformation of the Energy System


Digitization is increasingly entering into the energy industry. This is illustrated by the introduction of smart meters, which are intended to contribute to connecting production, consumption and the network situation. But what are the economic chances of digitizing the energy transition? Can digitization help to identify flexibility potentials and thus simplify balancing supply and demand in a system with increasing supply of electricity from fluctuating renewable energies? How does information provision and timely feedback on electricity consumption affect the individual consumption behavior? To what extent can (variable) retail prices contribute to load adjustments in reaction to the electricity supply and the current grid situation? Which new business models are emerging? Where are the limits of digitization and furthermore, how should regulation and policies be adapted to achieve a cost-efficient integration of renewable energies?

These topics will be discussed at the Tenth Eberbacher Cloister Conversations, which will be organised by the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development (HMWEVL), the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the University of Münster.


Advanced Researcher
Robert Germeshausen
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