On February 28, 2023, the European Union (EU) reached a political agreement on a future regulation of green bonds, the European Green Bond Standard (EU GBS). Last Friday, the European Parliament officially…
Durch die Nutzung finanzieller Rücklagen zur Deckung der Haushaltsausgaben können aus kurzfristigen finanziellen Nöten langfristige finanzielle Probleme entstehen. Anhand von repräsentativen Umfragen, die wir…
How to invest and decumulate wealth during retirement has far-reaching consequences for consumption during retirement. We conduct an online experiment among 2,500 individuals representative of the adult German…
We define saving regret as the wish in hindsight to have saved more earlier in life. We measured saving regret and possible determinants in a survey of U.S. households in which respondents were aged 60-79. We…
I examine the financial fragility of German households during the second wave of COVID-19 infections in the winter of 2020/21 by analyzing the households’ ability to come up with EUR 2,000 within one month.…
We exploit proprietary information on severed correspondent banking relationships — due to the stricter enforcement of financial crime regulation — to assess how payment disruptions impede cross-border trade.…