Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Altersvorsorge und nachhaltige Finanzmärkte

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-74 // 2005

    Who Chooses Whom? Syndication, Skills and Reputation

    Syndication, which is a joint realization of one project/one investment by several capital providers, is a long existing phenomenon that plays a central role in many financial market segments. Within this paper…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-70 // 2005

    Does it Pay to Watch Central Bankers’ Lips? The Information Content of ECB Wording

    In this analysis, the informational content of central bank rhetoric is assessed based on the experience with the ECB since 1999. Among the ECB’s communication channels we focus on the monthly press conferences.…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-69 // 2005

    Unterschiede zwischen Fiskal- und Geldpolitik und die Konsequenzen für eine Delegation

    Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Unterschieden zwischen Geld- und Fiskalpolitik, die für die unterschiedliche institutionelle Ausgestaltung dieser beiden Bereiche der Wirtschaftspolitik in der…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-64 // 2005

    Exchange Rate or Wage Changes in International Adjustment? Japan and China versus the United States

    Under the world dollar standard, a discrete appreciation by a dollar creditor country of the United States, such as China or Japan, has no predictable effect on its trade surplus. Currency appreciation by the…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-63 // 2005

    Capital Policy of German Savings Banks - A Survey

    In contrast to earlier field studies, we survey German public savings banks on their management of capital. We find that the most important determinants of the savings banks’ target capital ratio are risk…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-59 // 2005

    Payout Policy and Owners’ Interests – Evidence from German Savings Banks

    The savings banks’ decision to distribute profits among their public owners is strongly regulated by law in order to guarantee their adequate funding via retained profits. However, the legal scope is reluctantly…

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