Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Digitale Ökonomie

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-090 // 2015

    Mobile and More Productive? Firm-Level Evidence on the Productivity Effects of Mobile Internet Use

    Mobile internet access allows for flexibility with respect to working time and working place. We analyse whether employees’ use of mobile internet access improves firms’ labour productivity. Our data set…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-089 // 2015

    Does Wikipedia Matter? The Effect of Wikipedia on Tourist Choices

    We document a causal influence of online user-generated information on realworld economic outcomes. In particular, we conduct a randomized field experiment to test whether additional information on Wikipedia…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-088 // 2015

    Does Skill-Biased Technical Change Diffuse Internationally?

    This paper studies the question whether skill-biased technical change diffuses internationally and that way contributes to the increasing relative skill demand in other countries. So far, the role of…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-087 // 2015

    Mobile Information and Communication Technologies, Flexible Work Organization and Labor Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence

    Mobile information and communication technologies (ICT) have started to diffuse rapidly in the business sector. This study tests for the complementarity between the use of mobile ICT and organizational practices…

  5. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2015

    4. Quartal 2015

    • IKT-Branche geht optimistisch ins neue Jahr
    • Unternehmen passen ihre Geschäftsmodelle an die digitale Herausforderung an
  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-086 // 2015

    ICT and Global Sourcing - Evidence for German Manufacturing and Service Firms

    This paper analyses the relevance of information and communication technologies (ICT) for firms' probability of global sourcing of inputs. Using firm-level data from Germany in 2009, which include mainly small…

  7. ZEWnews // 2015

    12 - 2015

    • Strompauschale deckt tatsächliche Kosten von Haushalten in der Grundsicherung kaum
    • Feldstudie in Slowenien: Steuerehrlichkeit von Unternehmen steigt bei persönlichem Kontakt zur Finanzbehörde
    • Digitale Wirtschaft –…
  8. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    11/12 - 2015

    • Top Ten Digital Economies – United States in the Lead, Germany in Mid-Range
    • The University Degree Attainment Indicator is Not Suitable for International Comparison
    • Taxation in the Far East – Why the Asia-Pacific…