Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Umwelt- und Klimaökonomik

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-031 // 2014

    Negotiating Weights for Burden Sharing Rules Among Heterogeneous Parties: Empirical Evidence from a Survey Among Delegates in International Climate Negotiations

    Given the vital and controversial debate on fairness concerns in international climate negotiations, the acceptance of a climate treaty may be fostered if the distribution of costs and benefits from global…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-030 // 2014

    Bigger Cakes with Less Ingredients? A Comparison of Material Use of the World Economy

    The amount of materials used worldwide in production and consumption increased by 56 per cent from 1995 to 2008. Using an index decomposition analysis based on the logarithmic mean divisia index, we investigate…

  3. ZEWnews // 2014

    05 - 2014

    • Expertenkommission: Gemischte Bilanz beim Fortschritt der Energiewende
    • Positive Entwicklung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland
    • Kartellrechtsverstöße – Stärkung der Rechte von Geschädigten in Europa
    • Ge…
  4. Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden // 2014

    Carbon Emissions Trading System