1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-108 // 2014

    R&D Partnerships and Innovation Performance: Can There be too Much of a Good Thing?

    R&D collaboration facilitates pooling of complementary skills, learning from the partner as well as sharing risks and costs. Research therefore repeatedly stressed the positive relationship between collaborative…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-107 // 2014

    Direct and Cross-Scheme Effects in a Research and Development Subsidy Program

    This study investigates the effects of an R&D subsidy scheme on participating firms’ net R&D investment. Making use of a specific policy design in Belgium that explicitly distinguishes between research and…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-106 // 2014

    Radical or Incremental: Where Does R&D Policy Hit?

    This study investigates the efficacy of public R&D support. Compared to most existing studies, we do not stop at substitution effects or general innovation outcome measures, but we are interested in knowing…

  4. ZEWnews // 2014

    12 - 2014

    • Chancengleichheit in Deutschland: Der Westen hinkt dem Osten hinterher
    • Regulierung, Umweltinnovationen und Unternehmenserfolg stehen im Einklang
    • EU-Kartellfälle: Bußgeldhöhe beeinflusst Ergebnis von…
  5. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report // 2014

    Quartal 4 - 2014

    • DIFI erreicht Rekordniveau
    • Finanzierungssituation: Zugewinne für alle Nutzungsarten
    • Einengung der Spreads erwartet
    • Sonderfrage: Marktwerterwartungen und Zinsentwicklung am deutschen gewerblichen Immobilienmarkt
  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-105 // 2014

    Investigating the Influence of Firm Characteristics on the Ability to Exercise Market Power – A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach with an Application to the Iron Ore Market

    This paper empirically analyzes the existence of market power in the global iron ore market during the period 1993-2012 using an innovative Stochastic Frontier Analysis approach introduced by Kumbhakar et al.…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-104 // 2014

    The Mannheim Enterprise Panel (MUP) and Firm Statistics for Germany

    The Mannheim Enterprise Panel (Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel – MUP) of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is the most comprehensive micro database of companies in Germany outside the official…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 14-103 // 2014

    China's R&D Subsidies – Allocation and Effectiveness

    This study investigates the allocation of China's R&D subsidies and its effectiveness in stimulating firms' own R&D investments for the population of Chinese listed firms throughout the time period 2001 to 2006.…