1. ZEW policy brief Nr. 18-07 // 2018

    Neue Perspektiven in der europäischen Innovationspolitik

    Innovationen sind für das Wirtschaftswachstum von grundlegender Bedeutung. Regierungen sollten daher Anreize für Unternehmen setzen, verstärkt in Innovationen zu investieren. Bei FuE-Investitionen verliert…

  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2018

    November 2018

    • Ausblick für die deutsche Wirtschaft verschlechtert sich deutlich
    • Eurozone: Konjunkturerwartungen verschlechtern sich deutlich
    • USA: Abwärtstrend bei den Erwartungen setzt sich fort
    • Japan:…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-043 // 2018

    Fiskalische und individuelle Nettoerträge und Renditen von Bildungsinvestitionen im jungen Erwachsenenalter

    In dieser Studie werden auf der Basis einer Weiterentwicklung des ZEW Mikrosimulationsmodells des Abgaben- Steuer- und Transfersystems fiskalische und individuelle Nettoerträge und Renditen von…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-042 // 2018

    Market Liberalization: Price Dispersion, Price Discrimination and Consumer Search in the German Electricity Markets

    We study how consumer search affects pricing in markets with incumbents and entrants using panel data on German electricity retail markets. Consumers observe the baseline price of the incumbent and decide…

  5. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2018

    Flexibility in the Market for International Carbon Credits and Price Dynamics Difference with European Allowances

    The Paris Agreement establishes a mechanism which allows a Party to benefit from greenhouse gas emissions reductions conducted in a host Party to fulfil its nationally determined contribution. In this context,…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-041 // 2018

    Experimental and Non-Experimental Evidence on Limited Attention and Present Bias at the Gym

    We show that limited attention and present bias contribute to low levels of exercise. First, in a large randomized experiment, we find that email reminders increase gym visits by 13 % and that they benefit…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-040 // 2018

    The Human Capital Selection of Young Males Seeking Asylum in Germany

    This study analyses the selection of recently arrived asylum seekers from Middle Eastern and African countries in Germany. The findings suggest that, on average, asylum seekers have 22 percent more years of…

  8. Discussion und Working Paper // 2018

    Bureaucratic Competence and Procurement Outcomes

    Does a more competent public bureaucracy contribute to better economic outcomes? We address this question in the context of the US federal procurement of services and works by combining contract-level data…