1. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2024

    August 2024

    • Stärkster Rückgang der Konjunkturerwartungen seit zwei Jahren
    • Eurozone: Einbruch der Konjunkturerwartungen bei stabiler Lage
    • USA: Schlechtere Lagebewertung überstrahlt pessimistischere Erwartungen
    • China:…
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-055 // 2024

    The Interplay Between Public Procurement of Innovation and R&D Grants: Empirical Evidence From Belgium

    This paper investigates the impact of Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) and Research and Development (R&D) grants on firms' R&D investment using data from Belgian R&D-active firms over the past decade. Our…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-056 // 2024

    Trade in Services and Innovation

    We study the implications of services trade for firm innovation. Using a quasi-experimental shift-share design, we find that access to foreign knowledge-related services improves the innovativeness of domestic…

  4. ZEW policy brief Nr. 24-13 // 2024

    Towards a More Realistic View on the Market Potential of EU Securitizations

    Ongoing global trends like climate change require firms to invest in projects that support their transformation. In order to unlock the huge sums of private capital necessary for these investments, the…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-053 // 2024

    Big Data and Firm-Level Productivity – A Cross-Country Comparison

    Until today, the question of how digitalisation and, in particular, individual digital technologies affect productivity is still the subject of controversial debate. Using administrative firm-level data provided…