We use micro-level data on fuel consumption, mileage, and travel mode to study plug-in hybrid drivers’ response to fuel prices. When fuel prices rise, plug-in hybrids reduce fuel consumption more than gasoline…
Die Zahlen zur deutschen Staatsverschuldung sind zunehmend unvollständig, weil sie die auf Deutschland entfallenden Verpflichtungen für wachsende EU-Schulden ausblenden. Nach Auszahlung aller Mittel aus dem…
This article reviews the current debate about sick pay mandates and medical leave in the United States. The United States is one of three industrialized countries that do not guarantee access to paid sick leave…
We study the evolution of patenting in China from 1985-2019. We use a Large Language Model to measure patent importance based on patent abstracts and classify patent ownership using a comprehensive business…
This paper estimates the effect of heterogeneous university funding programs within the German Excellence Initiative on a regional firm’s probability to innovate by using a multi-valued two-way fixed effects…
Understanding how consumers respond to price increases is key when designing price-related policies. Using microdata on vehicle usage and paid fuel prices, I analyze consumers’ response, focusing on three…
The recent enactment of Directive 2021/2101 by the EU introduces a public Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) regime, with the aim of promoting a level playing field for businesses operating within the EU Single…
A widespread approach to measuring the innovative capacity of companies, sectors, and regions is the analysis of patents and trademarks or the use of surveys. In emerging digital technologies this approach may,…
Diese Arbeit erstellt ein umfassendes Bild der regionalen Ungleichheit in Deutschland in einer Vielzahl von Größen. Ziel ist es, eine umfassende Sichtweise auf die Komplexität räumlicher Disparitäten zu…