1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 22-069 // 2022

    The Labor Demand Effects of Refugee Immigration: Evidence From a Natural Experiment

    We study the labor demand effect of immigration on local labor markets by exploiting the fact that refugees in Germany are banned from working in the first few months after arrival. This natural experiment…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 22-068 // 2022

    COVID-19 and the Formation of Energy Conservation Routines: Disentangling the Relative Importance of Attention and Income Shocks

    We examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the formation of energy conservation routines. To do so, we use data from two nationwide surveys of German households, conducted before and during the pandemic.…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 22-067 // 2022

    Global Payment Disruptions and Firm-Level Exports

    We exploit proprietary information on severed correspondent banking relationships — due to the stricter enforcement of financial crime regulation — to assess how payment disruptions impede cross-border trade.…

  4. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report // 2022

    Quartal 4 - 2022

    • Finanzierungssituation und -ausblick werden erneut schlechter beurteilt
    • Neue Tiefstände bei Einzelhandel, Logistik und Wohnen
    • Lage und Ausblick an den Refinanzierungsmärkten trüben sich stark ein
    • Loan-to-Va…
  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 22-066 // 2022

    Bank Manager Sentiment, Loan Growth and Bank Risk

    We build a textual score measuring the tone of bank earnings press release documents. We use this measure to define bank manager sentiment as the variation in the textual tone score which is orthogonal to…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 22-065 // 2022

    Measuring the Digitalisation of Firms – A Novel Text Mining Approach

    Due to the omnipresence of digital technologies in the economy, measuring firm digitalisation is of high importance. However, current indicators show several shortcomings, e.g., they lack timeliness and regional…

  7. Analysen und Standpunkte // 2022


    • Krisenpolitik im Energiesektor
    • Europas Positionierung im Gaskonflikt
    • Wirtschaft im Spannungsfeld der Geopolitik
    • Ein Wirtschaftsmodell im Entstehen: Die sozial-ökologische Marktwirtschaft

    Das Jahr 2022 war…

  8. M&A-Report // 2022

    Dezember 2022

    • ZEW M&A-Index verzeichnet Rekordtief
    • Welche deutschen Unternehmen nehmen chinesische Käufer ins Visier?
    • Krisen beeinflussen Fusionen und Übernahmen
    • High-Tech-Branche: Negativtrend bei Fusionen und…
  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 22-064 // 2022

    First Best Implementation With Costly Information Acquisition

    We study mechanism design with flexible but costly information acquisition. There is a principal and four or more agents, sharing a common prior over the set of payoff-relevant states. The principal proposes a…