1. Fachzeitschrift // 2024

    Alleinerziehende in der Betreuungsplatzvergabe: Status quo und Handlungsempfehlungen

    Alleinerziehende Eltern und ihre Kinder profitieren besonders von frühkindlichen Bildungs- und Betreuungsangeboten. Dennoch erhalten in Deutschland knapp ein Drittel der Alleinerziehenden mit Betreuungsbedarf…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-035 // 2024

    Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament

    We study how connections to German federal parliamentarians affect firm dynamics by constructing a novel dataset to measure connections between politicians and the universe of firms. To identify the causal…

  3. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2024

    Juni 2024

    • Lagebewertung und Konjunkturerwartungen stagnieren
    • Eurozone: Lagebewertung bleibt trotz Zinssenkung pessimistisch
    • USA: Sinkende Inflationsrate verstärkt Erwartung baldiger Zinssenkung
    • China: Erwartungen und…
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-036 // 2024

    Framing Effects in Consumer Expectations Surveys

    In a randomized experiment embedded in a survey, I test the effects of variations in question wording and format on consumer response behavior and the corresponding inflation expectations. To this end, survey…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-034 // 2024

    Enhancing Objectivity and Decision Relevance: A Better Framework for Evaluating Cohesion Policies

    By international comparison as well as compared to other EU policies, the EU‘s Cohesion Policy (CP) evaluation system is far developed and institutionalized. This paper analyses the remaining gaps and…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-031 // 2024

    Cluster Policy, Innovation, and Firm Productivity. An Econometric Assessment of the Flemish Spearhead Cluster Program

    The Flemish government launched its Spearhead Cluster (SHC) policy in 2017. The aim is to boost strategic sectors by setting up cluster initiatives which coordinate collaborative R&D initiatives. In this paper,…

  7. ZEW-Jahresbericht // 2024


    Der Nahost-Konflikt, zwei Jahre Ukraine-Krieg, vier Jahre Stagnation – die zunehmend unsichere Lage setzte 2023 Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu. Gleichzeitig stehen Deutschland und Europa mit der Energiewende und…

  8. M&A-Report // 2024

    Mai 2024

    • M&A-Index bleibt auf niedrigem Niveau
    • Fusionen und Übernahmen im Sektor zur Herstellung von Klimasystemen
    • Weiterhin grenzüberschreitende M&A-Deals mit Russland trotz Ukraine-Kriegs
    • Was sind die Gründe für…
  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-033 // 2024

    Consumer Search and Firm Strategy With Multi-Attribute Products

    I analyze a model of directed search in which a consumer inspects a finite number of products sharing attributes with each others. The consumer discovers her valuation for the attributes of the inspected…

  10. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-032 // 2024

    Search on a Grid: Directed Consumer Search With Correlated Products

    The consumer search literature mostly considers independently distributed products. In contrast, I study a model of directed search with infinitely many products whose valuations are correlated through shared…