1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-019 // 2015

    Dynamic Properties of Energy Affordability Measures

    Measures of affordability are applied in practice, e.g., to assess the affordability of energy services, water or housing. They can be interpreted as measures of deprivation in a specific domain of consumption.…

  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2015

    April 2015

    • Konjunkturerwartungen weiter auf hohem Niveau
    • EZB: Inflationserwartungen stark gestiegen
    • USA: Einschätzung der Wirtschaftslage verschlechtert sich
    • Japan: Dritter Anstieg des Lageindikators in Folge
    • Großbritannien:…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-018 // 2015

    Good Enough! Are Socially Responsible Companies the More Successful Environmental Innovators?

    The link between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and financial performance of firms has been intensively examined and debated in academics and politics, but the connection to innovation has so…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2015

    The Impact of Captive Innovation Offshoring on the Effectiveness of Organizational Adaptation

    We analyze the effects of captive offshoring of innovation activities on the firms' ability to adapt their organizational structures. Basing our arguments on the complexity theory, we use three consecutive waves…

  5. Finanzmarktreport Schweiz // 2015

    April 2015

    • Konjunkturerwartungen erholen sich vom Frankenschock
    • Anhaltende Unsicherheit beim EUR/CHF-Wechselkurs
    • Stabile Inflation erwartet
    • Keine Änderung der kurzfristigen Zinsen erwartet
    • Positiver Ausblick für europäische…
  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-017 // 2015

    Vote Buying or (Political) Business (Cycles) as Usual?

    We provide new evidence on the short-run effect of elections on monetary aggregates. We study month-to-month fluctuations in the growth rate of M1 in a sample of 85 low and middle income democracies from 1975 to…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-016 // 2015

    Women on the Board and Executive Duration – Evidence for European Listed Firms

    The participation of women in top-level corporate boards (or rather the lack of it) is subject to intense public debate. Several countries are considering legally binding quotas to increase the share of women on…

  8. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report // 2015

    Quartal 1 - 2015

    • DIFI weiter im Höhenflug
    • EZB-Anleihekaufprogramm beflügelt Immobilienfinanzierungsumfeld
    • Aktuelle Finanzierungslage: Abermalige Zugewinne für alle Nutzungsarten
    • Sonderfrage: Weitere Verlagerung gewerblicher…