1. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2007

    Oktober 2007

    • Konjunkturrisiken durch Finanzkrise
    • EZB: Abwartende Haltung der Zentralbank
    • USA: Deutliche Mehrheit erwartet Zinssenkung
    • Japan: Konjunkturerwartungen sinken kräftig
    • Großbritannien: Erstmals wieder Zinssenkungen…
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-055 // 2007

    What Makes Foreign Knowledge Attractive to Domestic Innovation Managers?

    This study focuses on the early stages of international innovation activities, i.e. the organizational processes through which promising ideas from around the globe are collected and evaluated. We ask: What…

  3. Finanzmarktreport CEE // 2007

    September 2007

    • Experts Expect no Change of the Business Cycle Development in the CEE Countries
    • Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia: Expectations for Further Development Have Worsened
    • Croatia, Hungary, and Romania: Optimism for…
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-054 // 2007

    Inflation Expectations of Experts and ECB Communication

    The communication policy of the European Central Bank attracts a lot of attention from financial markets. This paper analyses the informational content of the monthly introductory statements of the ECB president…

  5. Finanzmarktreport Schweiz // 2007

    September 2007

    • Optimistische Prognose für den SMI
    • EZB: Weniger Einigkeit über weitere Zinserhöhungen
    • USA: Baldige Zinssenkung erwartet
    • Japan: Die Mehrheit erwartet keine Veränderung der Konjunkturdynamik
    • Grossbritannien: Zinspause…