1. ZEW policy brief Nr. 23-01 // 2023

    Deutsche Haushalte schauen zu optimistisch auf Energiekosten und zu pessimistisch auf Hilfen der Bundesregierung

    Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat nicht nur direktes Leid verursacht, sondern auch die europäischen Energiemärkte beeinträchtigt. Die Kostenexplosionen sowohl im Gas- als auch im Strommarkt stellen…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-001 // 2023

    The SearchEngine: A Holistic Approach to Matching

    The SearchEngine is an open source project providing an integrated framework for diverse matching activities, especially the linkage of large scale firm data by fuzzy criteria like company names and addresses.…

  3. Discussion und Working Paper // 2023

    What Are the Priorities of Bureaucrats? Evidence from Conjoint Experiments with Procurement Officials

    While effective bureaucracy is crucial for state capacity, its decision-making remains a black box. We elicit preferences of 900+ real-world public procurement officials in Finland and Germany. This is an…

  4. ZEW-Innovationserhebung // 2023


    Über die ZEW-Innovationserhebung

  5. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Women Leaving the Playpen: The Emancipating Role of Female Suffrage

    The role of women in Western societies changed dramatically in the 20th century. We study how political empowerment affected women’s emancipation as reflected in their life choices like marital decisions and…

  6. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Saving regret and procrastination

    We define saving regret as the wish in hindsight to have saved more earlier in life. We measured saving regret and possible determinants in a survey of U.S. households in which respondents were aged 60-79. We…

  7. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Regression Discontinuity Evidence on the Effectiveness of the Minimum Legal E-Cigarette Purchasing Age

    Increases in youth vaping rates and concerns of a new generation of nicotine addicts recently prompted an increase in the federal minimum legal purchase age (MLPA) for tobacco products, including e-cigarettes,…

  8. Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden // 2023


  9. Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden // 2023
