Union representation has been in strong decline in most OECD countries with potentially important consequences for wages. What drives this decline? We try to answer this question by developing and implementing a…
Akademische Spinoffs sind ein wichtiger Kanal, um an Universitäten gebildete Fähigkeiten, erzielte Forschungsergebnisse und Technologien in die gewinnorientierte Privatwirtschaft zu transferieren. Wegen ihres…
This paper quantifies the life-cycle incidence of key family policy measures in Germany. The analysis is based on a novel dynamic microsimulation model that combines simulated family life-cycles for a base…
Die Debatte zu den Reformen des EU-Haushalts und des Eigenmittelsystems hat eine lange Tradition. Es wurden bereits zahlreiche Reformvorschläge unterbreitet. Einige von ihnen beschränken sich auf geringfügige…
Between 1995 and 2008, the global extraction of biomass, fossil fuels, and minerals grew from 48 to 69 billion metric tons. This study investigates how changing consumption and investment patterns affected the…
Several recent studies show that the elasticity of taxable income (ETI) is not a sufficient statistic for the welfare costs of taxation due to factors such as taxbase shifting. This paper provides an …