1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-087 // 2007

    Does IT Outsourcing Increase Firm Success? An Empirical Assessment using Firm-Level Data

    Using German firm-level data, an endogenous switching regression model within a production function framework is estimated in order to explore differences in labor productivity between IT outsourcing and non-IT…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-086 // 2007

    Durable Goods, Innovation and Network Externalities

    We develop a model of R&D competition between an incumbent and a potential entrant with network externalities and durable goods. We show that the threat of entry eliminates the commitment problem that an…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-085 // 2007

    Reformen im Niedriglohnsektor – eine integrierte CGE-Mikrosimulationsstudie der Arbeitsangebots- und Beschäftigungseffekte

    Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Quantifizierung der mit der Einführung des Arbeitslosengeldes II verbundenen Arbeitsangebots- und Beschäftigungseffekte. Zusätzlich wird ein Reformszenario simuliert, welches die…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-084 // 2007

    Job and Worker Reallocation in German Establishments: The Role of Employers' Wage Policies and Labour Market Institutions

    Using a large linked employer-employee data set, this paper studies the relationship between job reallocation, worker reallocation and the flexibility of wages in western German manufacturing. Using the…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 07-083 // 2007

    Entry Deterrence in Postal Service Markets

    In this paper we analyze the incentive of the German postal service (Deutsche Post AG, DPAG) to increase quality in the light of the upcoming liberalization of the postal services market. Currently, there would…