1. Gutachten // 2004

    Kapitalmärkte und Demographie

    Diese Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit den Wechselwirkungen, die zwischen einer alternden Gesellschaft und Kapitalmärkten bestehen. In diesem Zusammenhang ergeben sich eine ganze Reihe interessanter Fragen, die…

  2. Gutachten // 2004

    Der IBC Taxation Index 2003 - Eine geographische Erweiterung

    Das vorliegende Gutachten erweitert den IBC Taxation Index 2003 um weitere europäische Regionen in Osteuropa, Skandinavien und Westeuropa. Der IBC Taxation Index weist die effektive Unternehmenssteuerbelastung…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-73 // 2004

    Employment Effects of Different Innovation Activities: Microeconometric Evidence

    Using the model recently developed by Jaumandreu (2003) this paper reports new results on the relationship between innovation and employment growth in Germany. The model is tailor-made for analysing firm-level…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-72 // 2004

    Determinants of Patent Litigation in Germany

    This paper presents an empirical analysis of the determinants of patent litigation in Germany, based on information from suits filed during the period from 1993 to 1995 at two of the three most important…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-70 // 2004

    Decision-Making of the ECB: Reform and Voting Power

    The ECB reform is designed to meet the challenges of an enlarged monetary union in the ECB Council. The reform is assessed by analysing alternatives for the classification of governors into groups of the…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-67 // 2004

    Using Methods of Treatment Evaluation to Estimate the Wage Effect of IT Usage

    In this study, I analyze the relationship between IT use and wages in West Germany in 1998/99. I use two estimation approaches: regression based matching and matching on the propensity score. The richness of the…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-64 // 2004

    GPD-linked Bonds as a Financing Tool for Developing Countries and Emerging Markets

    The paper examines the applicability of GDP-linked bonds for the financing of developing countries and emerging markets. GDP-linked bonds are bonds of which the coupon and/or redemption payments are tied to…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-61 // 2004

    A Note on Implementing Box-Cox Quantile Regression

    The Box-Cox quantile regression model using the two stage method introduced by Chamberlain (1994) and Buchinsky (1995) provides an attractive extension of linear quantile regression techniques. However, a…