Bei Geldleistungen für Kinder wird oft die Sorge geäußert, dass das Geld nicht bei den Kindern ankäme. Eine neue Studie des Leibniz-Zentrums für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) im Auftrag der Bertelsmann…
Innovation depends on the incentives to create new ideas as well as the visibility of and access to existing ones. Using exogenous variation from the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, we show that stronger trade…
This paper examines the impact of legal restrictions on fixed-term contracts on employment, wages and the careers of labour market entrants. Specifically, I analyse a 2001 German reform that made it more…
This paper provides a synthesis of the experimental literature on matching subsidies in the context of charitable giving. We classify results according to four different outcome variables frequently considered…
This paper investigates the effect of environmental innovations on firm profitability with respect to differences between small and medium-sized (SME) and large (LE) enterprises. Using data from the Mannheim…
Informal exchange of information among competitors has been well-documented in a variety of industries, and one's expectation of reciprocity shown to be a key determinant. We use an indeterminate horizon…
The impact of energy and climate policies often depends on how the market reacts to the policy, i.e. in terms of prices or costs for downstream industries. Economic theory tells us that in power markets, prices…
We analyze the problem of a buyer who chooses a supplier for a long-term relationship via an auction. The buyer lacks commitment to not renegotiate the terms of the contract in the long run. Thus, suppliers are…