1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2015

    The Impact of R&D Subsidies during the Crisis

    This study investigates the impact of public R&D subsidies on R&D investment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany during the most recent economic crisis. Our analysis is based on firm-level…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-039 // 2015

    A Sequential Decomposition of the Drop in Collective Bargaining Coverage

    Union representation has been in strong decline in most OECD countries with potentially important consequences for wages. What drives this decline? We try to answer this question by developing and implementing a…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-038 // 2015

    Wages in High-Tech Start-Ups – Do Academic Spin-Offs Pay a Wage Premium?

    Akademische Spinoffs sind ein wichtiger Kanal, um an Universitäten gebildete Fähigkeiten, erzielte Forschungsergebnisse und Technologien in die gewinnorientierte Privatwirtschaft zu transferieren. Wegen ihres…

  4. ZEWnews // 2015

    06 - 2015

    • Hidden Champions in Deutschland - Weltmarktführer dank Innovationen
    • Steuerliches Investitionsklima in Deutschland verbessert sich deutlich
    • IT-intensive Branchen profitieren besonders von Wissensinvestitionen
    • Einsei…
  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-036 // 2015

    Life-cycle Incidence of Family Policy Measures in Germany: Evidence from a Dynamic Microsimulation Model

    This paper quantifies the life-cycle incidence of key family policy measures in Germany. The analysis is based on a novel dynamic microsimulation model that combines simulated family life-cycles for a base…