Ein vorrangiges Ziel der Europäischen Kommission besteht zurzeit darin, Anreize für private Investitionen in der EU zu schaffen. Die Wirksamkeit politischer Maßnahmen zur Stimulation privater Investitionen, wie…
Substantial policy effort is devoted to stimulate environmentally friendly technology through regulation and subsidies. Since innovation is a crucial productivity driver, a potential crowding out of inventive…
Indicators of energy affordability and fuel poverty are a powerful tool to identify the most vulnerable households and to avoid imposing excessive burdens by climate policy. Fuel-poverty measurement consists of…
Innovativen Unternehmen, insbesondere kleinen und mittelgroßen Betrieben (KMU) wird eine Schlüsselposition für den technischen Fortschritt und die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Industrienationen…
The global economic crisis of 2008/2009 hit many firms hard. Faced with rapidly declining sales and highly uncertain economic prospects, firms had to cut costs and reconsider their business strategies. With…