Understanding Policy Preferences Using Experimental Methods


The ZEW Mannheim and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 884 “Political Economy of Reforms” at the University of Mannheim are pleased to announce the “Workshop on Understanding Policy Preferences Using Experimental Methods”. The workshop will take place in Mannheim on 17–18 December 2018. The aim of the workshop is to improve the understanding of the formation of policy preferences and of public opinion towards policies. Papers presented at the workshop should help to improve the design of evidence-based policies that take the preferences and attitudes of the electorate into account.

The workshop will include a selection of 12–15 paper presentations plus the keynote speech. In addition, we are organising a poster session where more junior researchers can present their work. Posters can be on projects currently still in progress, finished papers or the design of planned experiments (to receive feedback before the experiment goes into the field). Please indicate in your email submission if you would like your submission to be considered for a presentation or a poster.


Universität Mannheim, SFB 884

Call for Papers

Understanding Policy Preferences Using Experimental Methods


Understanding Policy Preferences Using Experimental Methods



Prof. Stefanie Stantcheva Ph.D.

Stefanie Stantcheva // Harvard University, Cambridge

Zum Profil



Universität Mannheim, SFB 884


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B6, 30-32, 68159 Mannheim

Weitere Informationen

Workshop by ZEW and SFB 884 Focussing on Public Opinion Formation

08.01.2019 Weiterlesen