ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Outlook Improves Slightly

CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment

Economic expectations for Switzerland have improved by 6.0 points to the minus-28.9-points mark in October 2012. Thus, the ZEW-CS Indicator of Economic Sentiment has increased by a total of 14.5 points since June 2012. The ZEW-CS Indicator is calculated monthly by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS). The indicator reflects the expectations of the surveyed financial market experts regarding the economic development in Switzerland on a six-month time horizon.

In October fewer analysts expect the economic development in Switzerland to deteriorate on a six- month time frame. Their share now amounts to roughly one third. However, not even one in ten experts anticipates an improvement of the economic situation within the next six months.

Financial analysts’ assessments of the current economic environment in Switzerland worsened once more in October. The respective indicator drops by 9.0 points to the minus 4.4 points-mark. This is the first time since March 2012 that the indicator fell into negative territory. The indicator’s hovering around the zero-point-mark reflects the majority’s view to evaluate the current economic situation as "normal" (82.8 per cent). However, by now roughly ten per cent of the participants evaluate the current state of the economy as "bad".  

For further information please contact

Lena Jaroszek (ZEW), Phone +49 621/1235-380, E-mail jaroszek@zew.de

Maxime Botteron (CS), Phone +41 443329061, E-mail maxime.botteron@credit-suisse.com