WinWin4WorkLife: Healthy, inclusive and sustainable remote work futures as a Win-Win for employees and employers

WinWin4WorkLife: Healthy, inclusive and sustainable remote work futures as a Win-Win for employees and employers


European Commission

Period: 01.02.2024 – 31.07.2027

WinWin4Worklife would like to help make flexible working arrangements (Remote Working Arrangements, RWA) in Europe healthy, integrative and sustainable.

The project has five main objectives:
1) to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of how the personal and professional spheres are affected by remote work;
2) an assessment of which living and working conditions ensure a healthy work-life balance in RWA for men and women;
3) Development of forecast models for the impacts of different RWA scenarios on mobility, land use, air quality, noise and health;
4) Improving knowledge about the role of culture, regional context and welfare systems in the uptake of RWA by employees and employers; and
5) development of evidence-based spatial policy for sustainable implementation of RWA.

ZEW will contribute to this international project by focusing, among other things, on employers' willingness to offer and reward various RWAs and to use them as a recruiting tool in times of skilled labour shortages.

Project members

Daniel Erdsiek

Daniel Erdsiek

Project Coordinator
Academic Assistant to the Head of Research Department / Senior Researcher

To the profile
Melanie Arntz

Melanie Arntz

Project Coordinator

To the profile
Sarra Ben Yahmed

Sarra Ben Yahmed

Project Coordinator
Senior Researcher

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Yaming Cao

Yaming Cao

Project Coordinator

To the profile
European Commission, Brüssel, BE
Cooperation partner
Technical University of Munich (TUM), München, DE // Maastricht University, Maastricht, NL // École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, CH // Freie Universität Brüssel, Brüssel, BE // hbits, Brüssel, BE // Euroquality, Paris, FR // University of Helsinki, Helsinki, FI // PROLEPSIS, Athens, GR // TREXIMA Bratislava, Bratislava, SK // Luxemburgisches Institut für Sozioökonomische Forschung, Luxembourg, LU // IST-ID, Lissabon, PT // Universität Žilina, Žilina, SK // Polytechnische Universität Madrid, Madrid, ES // Danish Comittee for Health Education (DCHE), Kopenhagen, DK