Publications of the Research Group Inequality and Public Policy

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-078 // 2024

    The Making of China and India in the 21st Century: Long-Run Human Capital Accumulation From 1900 to 2020

    We construct a novel dataset of human capital accumulation in China and India from 1900 to 2020 by combining historical records and educational reports to analyze the role of education in economic divergence.…

  2. Non-Refereed Journal // 2024

    Ökonomische Aspekte der Kindergrundsicherung

    Towards the end of 2023, the German Federal Government introduced the Kindergrundsicherung (basic child benefits) into the legislative process. This short article addresses some economic aspects of the reform.…

  3. Expertises // 2024

    Fiskalische Effekte von Mindestlohnanhebungen

    The present research report estimates the fiscal effects that resulted from increasing the minimum wage to a level of 12 euros per hour in 2022, and the potential fiscal effects from increasing the minimum wage…

  4. Discussion and Working Paper // 2024

    Unemployment Effects of the German Minimum Wage in an Equilibrium Job Search Model

    We structurally estimate an equilibrium search model using German administrative data and use the model for counterfactual analyses of a uniform minimum wage. The model with worker and firm heterogeneity does…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2024

    How unemployment benefit duration shapes startup motivation and growth

    Business creation is economically important, and unemployment precedes the creation of a substantial share of new firms. Yet, most research has focused on analyzing the effects of unemployment insurance policies…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Unemployment effects of the German minimum wage in an equilibrium job search model

    We structurally estimate an equilibrium search model using German administrative data and use the model for counterfactual analyses of a uniform minimum wage. The model with worker and firm heterogeneity does…