Projects of the Research Unit Market Design

Laufende Projekte

  1. Project // 09.02. – 31.10.2024

    Competition in the Broadband Market – Competition Guideline 2030

    In this project a report on the topic “Competition in the broadband market – guideline 2030” is prepared. The aim of the report is to outline possible barriers for an effective infrastructure, wholesale and…

  2. Project // 01.10.2023 – 30.06.2026

    Kopernikus project "Industrial processes": Synchronized and energy-adaptive production technology for flexible alignment of industrial processes to a fluctuating energy supply (SynErgie 3)

    The Kopernikus project SynErgie addresses the challenge of harmonizing the generation with the consumption of electricity in a future with a high proportion of wind and solar power. The focus is on the design of a…

  3. Project // 01.10.2023 – 30.09.2026

    TafelConnect – Platform for distributing large donations to food banks and other food-saving organizations

    TafelConnect is a new software for managing large food donations to the Tafel association. This innovative system is being designed, adapted and implemented as part of a project funded by the German Federal…

  4. Project // 01.06.2023 – 30.11.2024

    Tapping into People’s Impatience for Better Environmental Subsidies

    This project is concerned with the efficient allocation of subsidies for eco-friendly products. Examples include subsidies for cargo or e-bikes, electric cars, and energy efficient building retrofits. Conceptually…

  5. Project // 01.08.2022 – 31.07.2025

    Green financial intermediation – from demand to impact

    Achieving the Paris agreement goals to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels and contributing to the UN Sustainability Goals will require massive public and …

  6. Project // 01.01.2022 – 01.12.2024

    Strategic Bidding and Gaming

    This project supports the implementation of scientific studies on market-based redispatch within the framework of a research project. For this purpose, together with partners of the project consortium, the risk…

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 02. – 21.09.2024

    Financing one-off therapies

    In this project, a report on the topic of “Financing one-off therapies” is being prepared. The aim of the report is to evaluate various financing concepts for one-off therapies from an economic perspective. To…

  2. Project // 09.03. – 23.06.2023

    Energy market design of the future – Design of a competition-driven capacity market model

    In this project, a report on the topic of "Future energy market design - design of a competition-driven capacity market model" is being prepared.

    The starting point of the report is a capacity market model in…

  3. Project // 18.09. – 31.12.2022

    Planning and establishment of the ZEW hub for field experiments

    In this project, a research infrastructure is being developed and tested to expand and scale the use of field experiments at the ZEW. Through this hub for field experiments, the ZEW aims to establish itself as…