SEEK special edition 06 - 2013

ZEWnews English edition // 2013
ZEWnews English edition // 2013

SEEK special edition 06 - 2013

  • The Third SEEK Conference at ZEW – "Engines for More and Better Jobs in Europe"
  • Frank-Jürgen Weise on the Reorganisation of the German Federal Employment Agency
  • Stefano Scarpetta on Labour Market Trends in OECD Member Countries
  • Rita Asplund on the Difficulties of Interpreting Statistical Information Correctly
  • How to Create a "European Job Miracle"?
  • Samuel Bentolila on the Problems with Temporary Employment
  • Torben M. Andersen on Active and Passive Labour Market Instruments
Redakteure Kathrin Böhmer
Schlagworte SEEK // Arbeitsmarkt // Statistik // Zeitarbeit