German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program: Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Research


At the end of a six-year DFG-Priority Program a final workshop is organized to present results from the projects on Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Research.

Empirical results from the last two year research projects will be presented:
Start-Ups in Industrial Clusters. The case of the surgical instruments cluster Tuttlingen, Germany.
Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor. The dynamics of entrepreneurial activities in Germany.
Rising Stars and Falling Meteors. The development of young companies.
The foundation of knowledge intensive business service firms (KIBS) in industrial core regions: A comparative analysis in a regional perspective.
Structures and Effects of University Entrepreneurship Education Activities in Germany.
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.
Employment Effects of Entrepreneurship: Analyses on quality and persistence of newly created jobs.
The impact of context and form of new firm formation.

This Workshop is sponsored by the <HTML>"German Research Foundation" (DFG)</HTML>

Participants of the Priority Program and international discussants


Georg Licht
Research Associate
Georg Licht
Zum Profil




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