1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2015

    Measuring the Use of Human Resources Practices and Employee Attitudes: The Linked Personnel Panel

    This paper introduces a new data source available for HRM researchers and personnel economists, the Linked Personnel Panel (LPP). The LPP is a longitudinal and representative employer-employee data set…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2015

    Tax Information Exchange with Developing Countries and Tax Havens

    The exchange of tax information has received ample attention recently, due to a number of recent headlines on aggressive tax planning and tax evasion. Whilst both participating tax authorities will gain when…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2015

    A randomness test for functional panels

    Functional panels are collections of functional time series, and arise often in the study of high frequency multivariate data. We develop a portmanteau style test to determine if the cross-sections of such a…