1. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Determinanten der regionalen Verteilung Venture Capital-finanzierter Unternehmen

    Venture capital as a part of regional innovation system is assumed to play an important role for the commercialisation of innovative ideas and the development of high-technology industries in a region. This…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Economic and Environmental Impacts of the Kyoto Protocol

    In 2003, the Kyoto Protocol which imposes legally binding emission constraints on industrialized countries is likely to enter into force. The Protocol has been celebrated as a milestone in climate policy, but…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Transaction Costs of the Kyoto Mechanisms

    Transaction costs will reduce the attractiveness of the Kyoto Mechanisms compared to domestic abatement options. Especially the project-based mechanisms CDM and JI are likely to entail considerable costs of…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Deutschland ist kein Niedrigsteuerland

    A recent article presents effective corporate tax burdens for a number of countries. Its authors conclude that Germany can be considered to be a low tax country by international comparison, and that a tax reform…