1. Refereed Journal // 2021

    The political economy of negotiating international carbon markets

    International carbon markets are a cost efficient instrument for achieving a given CO emissions target. This paper identifies the conditions under which participating governments benefit from the…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2021

    The Economic and Climate Value of Flexibility in Green Energy Markets

    This paper examines how enhanced flexibility across space, time, and a regulatory dimension affects the economic costs and CO2 emissions of integrating large shares of intermittent renewable energy from…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2021

    In sickness and in health? Health shocks and relationship breakdown: Empirical evidence from Germany

    From an economic perspective, marriage and long-term partnership can be seen as a risk-pooling device. This informal insurance contract is, however, not fully enforceable. Each partner is free to leave when his…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Start-Up Subsidies and the Sources of Venture Capital

    Research suggests that public subsidies for newly founded firms have a positive effect on follow-on financing, in particular on Venture Capital (VC), through providing certification and early-stage liquidity.…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Corporate emissions-trading behaviour during the first decade of the EU ETS

    This study analyses factors related to allowance-trading behaviour for the first ten years of the existence of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). Our empirical analysis employs a dataset…