1. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Intergenerational Transmission of Lockdown Consequences: Prognosis of the Longer-Run Persistence of COVID-19 in Latin America

    The shock on human capital caused by COVID-19 is likely to have long lasting consequences, especially for children of low-educated families. Applying a counterfactual exercise we project the effects of school…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Gesellschaftliche Asymmetrien, Prosozialität und ein drittes Prinzip - Perspektiven auf moderne Gesellschaften im Anschluss an Marcel Mauss' Essay Die Gabe

    Marcel Mauss wrote in 1924 that he had found in the motifs of the "archaic" gift exchange of pre-modern societies "one of the rocks on which our societies rest" (Mauss, 1990, p.19). Gift practices persist in…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2021

    What do Germans really think about health-nudges?

    In recent years, policymakers have increasingly used behaviourally informed policies, including ‘nudges’. They have been implemented to produce desirable social outcomes such as healthier eating and physical…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Buyer’s Role in Innovation Procurement: Evidence from U.S. Military R&D Contracts

    This study provides the first quantification of buyers’ role in the outcome of R&D procurement contracts. We combine together four data sources on US federal R&D contracts, follow-on patented inventions,…