1. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Understanding the Unwritten Rules of the Game: Government Work Experience and Salary Premiums in Foreign MNC Subsidiaries

    Understanding government institutions in a host country is crucial for MNC subsidiaries. This is challenging, as host-country institutions not only relate to formal institutions, such as laws and regulations,…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries

    Employees with relevant knowledge and skills for digitalization have become increasingly important for the competitiveness of MNCs. However, the shortage of such digital human capital in many host countries is…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Bedarf für die Paketzustellung durch Drohnen – eine Alternative für die Versorgung schwer erreichbarer Gebiete?

    Die Versorgung der nordfriesischen Inseln und Halligen ist stark durch ihre Tiden‑, Witterungs- und Saisonabhängigkeit geprägt. Die vorliegende Untersuchung prüft, ob eine Belieferung dieser schwierig zu…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Supporting patients with heart failure with digital therapeutics — A pilot study in Germany

    Objective: Continuous monitoring and targeted behavioral interventions have been shown to improve health status and quality of life for heart failure patients. Digital therapeutics offer the possibility to make…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Uncertain Product Availability in Search Markets

    In many markets buyers are poorly informed about which firms sell the product (product availability) and prices, and therefore have to spend time to obtain this information. In contrast, sellers typically have a…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2022

    The Experience of Implementing a Low-Threshold Buprenorphine Treatment Program in a Non-Urban Medical Practice

    Background To respond to the U.S. opioid crisis, new models of healthcare delivery for opioid use disorder treatment are essential. We used a qualitative approach to describe the implementation of a…

  7. Refereed Journal // 2022

    The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior

    We study how positive narratives (stories in favor of a prosocial action) and negative narratives (stories in favor of a selfish action) influence prosocial behavior in a series of lab and online…