1. Refereed Journal // 2007

    The Returns to Continuous Training in Germany: New Evidence from Propensity Score Matching Estimators

    The present paper examines the wage effects of continuous training programs using individual-level data from the German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP). In order to account for selectivity in training participation…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2007

    The Maximum Incremental Social Tolerable Irreversible Costs (MISTICs) and other Benefits and Costs of Introducing Transgenic Maize in the EU-15.

    The decision to release a new transgenic crop variety for planting in the European Union is a decision under irreversibility and uncertainty. As the decision can also be postponed there exists some flexibility…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2007

    Differentiating the Consumer Benefits from Labelling of GM Food Products

    Although recurrent evidence is found that consumers have different willingness to pay for GM and non-GM products, there is disagreement in the scientific community about the size of consumer benefits from GM…