1. Refereed Journal // 2005

    Tarifpolitik, Entgeltflexibilität und Beschäftigung in Ostdeutschland

    The paper explores wage setting practice in eastern Germany since unification. It gathers evidence to support the claim that economically non-viable collective agreements have fostered decentralized wage…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2005

    Why are Labor Force Participation Rates of East German Women so High?

    As an example of the adjustment of behavior formed in a centrally planned economy and exposed to a free market economy, the paper studies the development of labor force participation by East German women after…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2005

    Wohlfahrts- und Verteilungseffekte eines allgemeinen Freibetrags bei den Sozialabgaben

    The paper simulates the labor market impact of a fixed allowance for social insurance contributions. Based on a discrete choice labor supply model estimated using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we…