1. Refereed Journal // 2017

    Cartel Cases and the Cartel Enforcement Process in the European Union 2001-2015: A Quantitative Assessment

    We provide a comprehensive quantitative assessment of cartels and the related cartel enforcement process in the European Union (EU) from 2001 to 2015. In a first step, we present a detailed…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2017

    Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Promotion in Germany

    Over the last decade Germany has boosted renewable energy in power production by means of massive subsidies. The flip side are very high electricity prices which raise concerns that the transition cost towards a…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2017

    Price and Income Elasticities of Residential Energy Demand in Germany

    We apply a quadratic expenditure system to estimate price and expenditure elasticities of residential energy demand (electricity and heating) in Germany. Using official expenditure data from 1993 to 2008, we…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2017

    Domestic regulation, import penetration and firm-level productivity growth

    This paper shows that the impact of import penetration on firms’ productivity growth depends on firms’ distance to the efficiency frontier and on product market regulation. Using firm-level data for a…