1. Refereed Journal // 2012

    The importance of spatial autocorrelation for regional employment growth in Germany

    In analyzing the disparities in regional employment growth in Germany, in the recent empirical literature the so called shift-share-regression models are frequently applied. However, these models usually neglect…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2012

    Women and work: what role do social norms play?

    Against the background of the current (economic) research which concentrates particularly on individual and structural factors, this paper examines if and to what extent social norms (in terms of attitudes…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2012

    The structure of energy efficiency investment in the UK households and its average monetary and environmental savings

    Socioeconomic and behavioural variables that influence the household’s adoption of energy efficiency measures such as cavity and loft insulation and upgrades to the boiler are identified, contrary to previous…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2012

    The Value-Added of Sectoral Disaggregation: Implications on Competitive Consequences of Climate Change Policies

    In the current discussion on policy measures to alleviate competitive disadvantages of unilateral climate policies, border measures are discussed as one possible instrument. The assessment of the economic…