1. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Web Mining for Innovation Ecosystem Mapping: A Framework and a Large-scale Pilot Study

    Existing approaches to model innovation ecosystems have been mostly restricted to qualitative and small-scale levels or, when relying on traditional innovation indicators such as patents and…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2020

    A zero-risk weight channel of sovereign risk spillovers

    European banks are exposed to a substantial amount of risky sovereign debt. “Missing capital” in the banking system resulting from the zero-risk weight exemption for European sovereign debt amplifies the…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Cross border tax evasion after the common reporting standard: game over?

    We study the short-term effect of the first global multilateral standard for the automatic exchange of information (AEOI), the so-called Common Reporting Standard (CRS), on cross-border tax evasion. Employing…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Fostering European Identity

    Over recent years, the concept of ‘European identity’ has received increasing scholarly attention. Despite this progress, political initiatives to foster a shared feeling of Europeanness still appear to be…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2020

    The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and Fuel Efficiency of Fossil Fuel Power Plants in Germany

    I investigate the impact of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) on fuel efficiency of fossil fuel power plants, using administrative micro data on German power plants from 2003 to 2012. I find…