ZEW policy briefs


ZEW policy briefs are four-page documents, containing brief and lucid information on ZEW research results of practical significance for business, policy, and administration.

  1. ZEW policy brief No. 15-05 // 2015

    The Road to Paris: Towards a Fair and Effective Climate Agreement?

    Even in situations of uncertainty, early and credible commitments like "intended nationally determined contributions" (INDCs) serve as important signals for future climate cooperation. Given that situations and…

  2. ZEW policy brief No. 15-04 // 2015

    Better Fiscal Rules for Europe: Reflections Based on New Empirical Evidence

    Over the past five years, the euro area's fiscal rules have been reformed and extended. It is not clear, however, whether these changes have been effective at boosting fiscal prudence, and whether they go far…

  3. ZEW policy brief No. 15-03 // 2015

    Cartel Enforcement in the EU: Leniency Programmes and the Appeals Process

    Fighting cartels is a major priority of EU competition policy. Acting in concert with national com¬petition authorities in the EU, the European Commission (EC) has made considerable efforts to promote…

  4. ZEW policy brief No. 15-02 // 2015

    Reforming the Financing of the European Union

    The debate about reforms of the EU budget and the system of own resources has a long history. Many reform proposals have been made. Some of them are restricted to marginal adjustments of the existing system,…

  5. ZEW policy brief No. 15-01 // 2015

    Fiscal Investment Climate and the Cost of Capital in Germany and the EU

    Encouraging private investment in the EU is currently a primary goal of the European Commission. However, the effectiveness of public policies to stimulate private investment – such as a European Fund for…

  6. ZEW policy brief No. 14-01 // 2014

    Climate-Related Innovations, Crowding Out, and Their Impact on Competitiveness

    Within the last few decades, rising environmental concerns have forced policy-makers to act in an effort to mitigate further harm. Yet though greenhouse gas emissions and the wasteful use of natural resources…

  7. ZEW policy brief No. 13-09 // 2013

    Financial Sector and Output Dynamics in the Euro Area Countries

    The financial and economic crisis has drawn attention to the need for a better understanding of destabilising effects that arise in the financial sector and spill over to the real economy. In turn, weakening…