1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-061 // 2012

    The Minimum Wage Affects Them All: Evidence on Employment Spillovers in the Roofing Sector

    Most minimum wage research focuses on the average employment effect that minimum wages exert on workers with a binding minimum wage, i.e. workers whose wage has to be raised in order to comply with the minimum…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-060 // 2012

    Der Mindestlohn im Dachdeckerhandwerk: Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigung, Arbeitnehmerschutz und Wettbewerb

    A generally binding minimum wage was introduced in the roofing sector in 1997 and has been renewed and raised several times since then; in 2011, the roofer minimum wage amounted to 11.80€. The roofing sector…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-059 // 2012

    Specific Measures for Older Employees and Late Career Employment

    In times of demographic ageing and potential skills shortages, employment of older workers becomes an increasingly important topic. During the last centuries, firms in developed countries have actively…

  4. ZEW Newsletter // 2012


    1. News
    2. Staff
      • Awards
      • Visiting Researchers
    3. Press Releases
    4. Recent Publications
      • Financial Market Report Switzerland
      • Financial Market Report CEE
      • ZEW Discussion Papers
      • ZEW Economic Studies
      • Expertises/Research Reports
  5. Financial Market Report CEE // 2012

    October 2012

    • Economic Expectations for the Central and Eastern European Region Decline
    • Economic Outlook for the CEE Region, Austria, and the Eurozone
    • Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia: Currency Depreciation in Sight
    • Croatia,…
  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2012

    Oktober 2012

    • Konjunkturerwartungen hellen sich leicht auf
    • EZB: Inflationserwartungen steigen
    • USA: Konjunkturerwartungen legen leicht zu
    • Japan: Lageeinschätzung erneut eingetrübt
    • Großbritannien: Lage und Konjunkturerwartungen…
  7. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 46 // 2012

    Germany's 2005 Welfare Reform - Evaluating Key Characteristics with a Focus on Immigrants

    In January 2005, the German government enacted a substantial reform of the welfare system, the so-called Hartz IV reform. This book evaluates key characteristics of the reform from a microeconometric…