1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Favoritism by the Governing Elite

    In this paper, we study the extent to which ministers engage in regional favoritism. We are
    the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of a larger set of the governing elite, not just
    focusing on the primary…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Bureaucratic Frictions and Innovation Procurement

    Is work overload a friction to public agencies? Using data on R&D procurements, patents, and contracting units from a US federal agency, we investigate how officer workload impacts innovation procurement…

  3. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2023

    November 2023

    • Konjunkturerwartungen steigen weiter bei stabiler Lageeinschätzung
    • Eurozone: Verbesserte Erwartungen bei verschlechterter Lageeinschätzung
    • USA: Sinkende Inflation lässt auf sinkende Zinsen hoffen
    • China:…
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-044 // 2023

    Early Patent Disclosure and R&D Investment in Family Firms

    This paper shows that the American Inventor’s Protection Act, which introduced the disclosure of patent applications after 18 months, i.e. before a grant decision is taken and, hence, before it is known whether…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-043 // 2023

    Information Asymmetry and Search Intensity

    In markets where sellers’ marginal costs of production have a common component, they have informational advantage over buyers regarding those costs. This information asymmetry between sellers and buyers is…

  6. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Inequality of Opportunity and Intergenerational Persistence in Latin America

    How strong is the transmission of socio-economic status across generations in Latin America? To answer this question, we first review the empirical literature on intergenerational mobility and inequality of…

  7. Non-Refereed Journal // 2023

    Wie kann der Investitionsschwäche in Deutschland steuerpolitisch begegnet werden?

    Various obstacles, such as a shortage of skilled workers, high labour costs, high corporate taxes, as well as increasing regulatory density and high-energy costs, hamper investment in Germany. In particular, the…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-042 // 2023

    Trade Shocks and Social Mobility: The Intergenerational Effect of Import Competition in Brazil

    This paper investigates whether the impact of trade shocks on employment and wages persists across generations. Using survey data with retrospective information on parental employment, we study the causal effect…