1. Branchenreport Innovationen // 2011

    2011 - Technische und FuE-Dienstleistungen

    Jahrg. 19, Nr. 19, Januar 2012

    Die positive wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der technischen Dienstleistungen (Ingenieur- und Architekturbüros, technische Labore) und der auf die Durchführung von FuE…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-082 // 2011

    External Technology Supply and Client-Side Innovation

    Dynamic market environments and consumer preferences demand firms to assure a high degree of flexibility. At the same time, competitive pressure from globalized markets leads to constantly raising efficiency…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-081 // 2011

    The Effect of Broadband Infrastructure on Entrepreneurial Activities: The Case of Germany

    In this paper we investigate whether local characteristics influence entrepreneurial activities. One local characteristic that may drive the decision to establish a firm in a specific region is the supply of…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-080 // 2011

    Fiscal Adjustment in Greece: In Search for Sustainable Public Finances

    This paper analyses Greek fiscal sustainability. This topic lies in the core of all discussions about a potential exit of the country from the euro area, and - more in general - about the design and long-run…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-079 // 2011

    The Labour Market in CGE Models

    In this chapter (written for the forthcoming "Handbook of CGE Modeling", edited by P. Dixon and D. Jorgenson), we review options of labour market modelling in the framework of numerical general equilibrium…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-078 // 2011

    The Adoption of Social Enterprise Software

    Though in an infancy state, the so-called social enterprise software is a highly promising software application for firms. This software links firms’ enterprise software systems and social software…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-077 // 2011

    The Rat Race of Capital Structure Research for REITs and REOCs: Two Spotlights on Leverage

    Since the seminal work of Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller in 1958, no generally accepted capital structure theory has emerged. Consequently this paper does not aim to validate any of the capital structure…

  8. ZEW/Prognos-Transportmarktbarometer // 2011

    4. Quartal 2011

    Trotz schwächerem Wachstum leichter Preisanstieg auf den Transportmärkten bis Mitte 2012 erwartet

    Auf den Transportmärkten ist die Abkühlung des Konjunkturaufschwungs weiterhin spürbar. Das Wachstum des…

  9. ZEW Newsletter // 2011


    1. News
    2. Call for Papers
      • Call for Project Proposals 2012 - ZEW Research Programme "Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies" (SEEK)
      • Call for Papers - Competition…
  10. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2011

    4. Quartal 2011

    • Konjunkturelle Stimmung bei den Unternehmen in der Informationswirtschaft leicht verbessert
    • Kehrtwende in der IKT-Branche
    • Medienbranche ist für die nahe Zukunft eher pessimistisch
    • Trübe Stimmung bei…
  11. Discussion and Working Paper // 2011

    Impatience among preschool children and their mothers

    Using experimental data of children and their mothers, this paper explores the intergenerational relationship of impatience. The child’s impatience stems from a delay of gratification experiment. Mother’s…