1. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2024

    1. Quartal 2024

    • Optimismus in der Informationswirtschaft
    • DSGVO: Kritische Sicht der Unternehmen ändert sich im Zeitverlauf kaum
  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2024

    Mai 2024

    • Steigende Zuversicht durch positive Signale aus der Wirtschaft
    • Eurozone: Verbesserte Lageeinschätzung
    • USA: Sinkende Lageeinschätzung und Konjunkturerwartungen
    • China: Lagebewertung verbessert sich deutlich
  3. Refereed Journal // 2024

    The Tax Attractiveness of EU Locations for Corporate Investments: A Stocktaking of Past Developments and Recent Reforms

    In this paper, we illustrate the tax attractiveness of EU countries as investment locations over time in terms of effective average tax rates and evaluate potential tax reform options. Our quantitative…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-026 // 2024

    Left-Wing Butter vs. Right-Wing Guns – Government Ideology and Disaggregated Military Expenditure

    This article demonstrates that the influence of government ideology on military expenditures is more nuanced than it was shown in previous research and using only aggregated military expenditures may provide…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-025 // 2024

    Analysis of a Capacity-Based Redispatch Mechanism

    This paper discusses a capacity-based redispatch mechanism in which awarded market participants are compensated for their availability for redispatch, rather than activation. The rationale is to develop a market…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2024

    From diversity to sustainability: Environmental and social spillover effects of board gender quotas

    Exploiting the staggered implementation of board gender quotas in Europe, this study examines their effect on firms’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. I find that firms’ environmental and…

  7. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Government consumption in the DINA framework: allocation methods and consequences for post-tax income inequality

    About half of government expenditure in the United States takes the form of government consumption (e.g., education, defense, infrastructure). In many studies of post-tax inequality based on the DINA framework…

  8. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Financial literacy, stock market participation, and financial wellbeing in Germany

    We examine financial literacy in Germany and its relevance for financial wellbeing. Using data from the Panel on Household Finances collected in 2021, we show that about 62% of German households answer the Big…