1. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2024

    2. Quartal 2024

    • Stabiles Konjunkturklima in der Informationswirtschaft
    • Unternehmen halten am Homeoffice fest
  2. ZEW policy brief No. 24-09 // 2024

    Mehr finanzielle Spielräume, mehr öffentliche Investitionen?

    Forderungen nach Lockerungen der Schuldenbremse haben seit dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum zweiten Nachtragshaushalt 2021 Auftrieb erhalten. Oft wird argumentiert, dass die Schuldenbremse wichtige…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-027 // 2024

    Are We Yet Sick of New Technologies? The Unequal Health Effects of Digitalization

    This study quantifies the relationship between workplace digitalization, i.e., the increasing use of frontier technologies, and workers’ health outcomes using novel and representative German linked…

  4. ZEW Monthly // 2024

    06/24 — Public Finances

    Rarely has a federal budget been subject to so much controversy as that for the coming year. Since the Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling in November 2023 on the federal government’s supplementary budget,…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Testing for differences in survey-based density expectations: A compositional data approach

    We propose to treat survey-based density expectations as compositional data when testing either for heterogeneity in density forecasts across different groups of agents or for changes over time. Monte Carlo…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-045 // 2024

    Not as Good as It Used to Be: Do Streaming Platforms Penalize Quality?

    In this study, we analyze the incentives of a streaming platform to bias consumption when products are vertically differentiated. The platform offers mixed bundles of content to monetize consumer interest in…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-037 // 2024

    Evidence-Based Policy or Beauty Contest? An LLM-Based Meta-Analysis of EU Cohesion Policy Evaluations

    Independent and high-quality evaluations of government policies are an important input for designing evidence-based policy. Lack of incentives and institutions to write such evaluations, on the other hand, carry…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-044 // 2024

    Expertise at Work: New Technologies, New Skills, and Worker Impacts

    We study how new digital technology reshapes vocational training and skill acquisition and its impact on workers’ careers. We construct a novel database of legally binding training curricula and changes therein,…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-043 // 2024

    News Media Bargaining Codes

    We build a model of the news market where advertisers allocate their ads between a social media platform and a news website. Our objective is to evaluate policy interventions aimed at fostering news creation by…