1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-031 // 2008

    Conditional Grants, Grant-Seeking and Welfare when there is Government Failure on the Subordinate Level

    This paper addresses the welfare effects of conditional grants when there is government failure on the subordinate (hereafter regional) level. Government failure on the regional level may occur due to the…

  2. Financial Market Report CEE // 2008

    June 2008

    • Experts are More Cautious in Their Economic Expectations for Central and Eastern Europe
    • Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia: Good Current Situation; Weaker Economic Expectations
    • Hungary, Romania, Croatia: Current…
  3. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2008

    June 2008

    • Economic Expectations Brighten up Again
    • Eurozone: Economic Expectations Remain Pessimistic
    • USA: No Further Interest Rate Cuts Anticipated
    • Japan: Survey Participants Forecast Climbing Inflation Rates
    • Great Britain:…
  4. Discussion and Working Paper // 2008

    Expected Inflation, Expected Stock Returns, and Money Illusion: What can we learn from Survey Expectations?

    We show empirically that survey-based measures of expected inflation are significant and strong predictors of future aggregate stock returns in several industrialized countries both in-sample and out-of-sample.…

  5. ZEW-Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen // 2008

    Nr. 2 (Juni) - 2008

    • Konjunktur trotzt Kreditkrise
    • Die voraussichtliche Lage in der EWU
    • Ergebnisse der Maiumfrage 2008
    • Konjunkturaussichten hellen sich auf
    • Finanzmarktkrise verändert europäische Bankenlandschaft
    • Konjunkturbedingte…
  6. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2008

    Comparing and Evaluating Public Expenditure on Migration

  7. ZEW Documentation No. 08-01 // 2008

    Trends im Retail-Banking: Die Bankfiliale der Zukunft

    Kaum ein anderes Geschäftsfeld im deutschen Bankensektor hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren so dynamisch entwickelt wie das Retail-Banking. Bedrängt durch alternative Vertriebskanäle haben viele Filialbanken…

  8. ZEW Documentation No. 08-02 // 2008

    Regulatory Practice in the European Telecommunications Sector Normative Justification and Practical Application

    The telecommunications sector is characterized by economies of scale and scope, high sunk costs, and strong network effects. This combination may facilitate monopolization and abuse of market power. The…

  9. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2008

    Juni 2008

    • Verhaltener Ausblick
    • EZB: Inflationsrisiken im Blick
    • USA: Geldpolitik und Steuerschecks beleben die Konjunktur
    • Japan: Exporte profitieren von der Konjunkturbelebung in den USA
    • Großbritannien: Inflationsbericht…